
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Taking My Sabbatical (Rest)

I officially jumped into "unemployment" this week. I put that in quotes because 1) I'm not officially done with my job just yet. There's still some close out things that need to be taken care of next week, but technically my desk is no longer mine. And 2) because apparently another adult term for unemployment is ... sabbatical.

At first I thought sabbatical was just a nicer and more adult way to say "i'm a hot mess and i'm unemployed. Help." But the word sabbatical comes from the Hebrew word "shabbat", which means rest. In modern days it's taking a break from career, but the true origin  refers to the 7th day of rest that is talked about in Genesis.

Over the last several months, I've been scrambling to get a career transition in order. From taking informational calls, to grabbing coffee with others, to trying to find a job in a completely new field...I wanted it perfectly lined up -- end one job, take another. No gap in the resume, no reason to blow through my savings. It's been hard, stressful and at one point my hair just literally fell out in clumps.

Thank THE LORD i have so much hair. 

And then through the burn out, I realized what I truly desired wasn't another job, but rest. I mean, trust me, if someone handed me another job I would've taken it... but deep down inside, I started to hope that doors would close so that I could take the trip that I wanted, so that I could take the time to spend it with family.

So since September, I stopped looking for another job and instead blew a good amount of money on plane tickets....hah.

I have no idea when i'm going to find another job, but that's okay. Because right now, I crave rest. In the next couple of weeks I will be traveling to Atlanta, the Netherlands, Korea and Malaysia, before finishing up in Seattle. I'm excited to not only spend time with family and friends along the way but also to have time to reflect and rest well.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I took 4 months off for a "sabbatical" (quit my job) at the beginning of the year, and it was amazing! The best part was just not thinking about work, or money, or anything like that for a couple months. Don't worry about another job, you have a ton of great friends, a great family, and you're Heeyoung! you'll be fine. Hit me up if you want to grab a beer or 6 when you're in the ATL.


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