
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Doula / Dude-la

Since my sister is having a baby, naturally almost every conversation during dinner leads to a topic about babies. My sister is thinking of having a natural, no-epidural birth. Jokingly, her husband told her he didn't think she could do it! and so my sister countered back, "FINE. I NEED SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES IN ME. IM GOING TO GET A DOULA!"everyone stopped talking and stared at her. A what???

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tackling Hard Water

Having recently moved to a new location, the first thing I noticed was the effect the water had on my body, especially my face and hair. NJ seems to have particularly hard water, as does a good portion of the US. Given the way it was effecting how clean I felt, and because i'm the type to google every life problem, I decided I needed to get to the bottom of this!  

What's In a Baby's Name?

Sister #1 is having a baby girl very very soon! Coming from a very opinionated family of mostly girls, my sister is having trouble deciding a baby's name. She has about a month left before the arrival of my niece, and she's still struggling with the whole thing! So i asked her to write about what she looks for in a baby's name.
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