
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Being Thankful

I usually use my 45 minute commute to work as a time to reflect, read the bible, do a devotional, or let my mind just go numb as I stare at the wall. Yesterday's devotional was about being thankful and I realized that as social media presence increases, I often see myself comparing my average-fabulous life to someone else's more-fabulous life (seriously famous bloggers and instagrammers!ugh!) So I decided I'd start listing the things I was thankful for:

On the subway...

I first started off by thanking God for my eyes and sight, then my ability to read, then for language, then for my mouth and the ability to speak, then my tongue and my teeth for letting me eat and taste, for the abundance of food and not having to go hungry, then for having a good working digestive system. I thanked him for my hands, for being able to touch and feel, and for the things that my hands are able to do like hold a pencil or type.

When i got off the subway...

I thanked God for public transportation and my ability to walk, for being in a city that forces me to walk all the time, for my legs and feet that keep me planted firm, for my shoes that keep my feet from being cut. I thanked him for the diversity of the city and for people and the ability to form relationships.

As I got to work...

I thanked God for the elevator (high five on this invention), electricity, the ability for men to figure out how physics works. I thanked God for my job and the work I do. I thanked Him for coffee and caffeine and the clean water that comes out from the tap. For the friendly people in my office and the passion people are able to exhibit. For computers and technology and the ability to talk to people thousands of miles away in 2 seconds.

As I left work and met up with my best friend..

I thanked God for our inherent need for friendship and relationships, for the meal we shared, for the cow and the yummyness of beef, for the home I have to come back to. For the flushable and clean toilet that I have. For soap and toilet paper. For my bed and blanket that keeps me warm at night.

As we walked around my neighborhood...

I thanked God for the quiet and beautiful neighborhood I live in, for the city I live in, for the water that provides fish and integral to the survival of the planet, all the while allowing us to drink, shower, flush the toilet, etc. And as the sun was setting, I thanked God for the sun that allows trees and flowers and algae to grow, and that gives us that Vitamin D.

And then I thanked Him for the beautiful sunset. :)

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